Turkey Coma Abated...

Okay - so I'm still kickin'.

The always enjoyable, never a bore, highly contagious flu-bug has trampled its way through my house. Stretch had it before Christmas and Shorty suffered through it yesterday. So, we missed Christmas Eve/Day and Boxing Day... that was good. Hubs had to go back to work on Saturday - so that sucked ASS. He's working New Year's Eve AND Day ... so that REALLY bites. I was hoping he'd get a little time off - alas ... no rest for the wicked, I guess.

Santa found us alright and our Christmas was quite lovely. The girls were crazzzeee excited. My sister actually came out on the "eve" and spent the night ... I was rather impressed, as her man was at his family's place ... I assumed she would be with him. It was good for Mom to have her here ... and my girls.

Not a whole lot of creative juices flowing today ... I'm still wiped out from Shorty's flu ... and our flu shots - which we all got yesterday. (Yeah ... poor Shorty got the H1N1 needle and then promptly got the stomach flu. She ralphed all over the car on the way home ... good times ...

I am rather happy to report I do not have to go back to work until Jan 4th. That makes my pants wanna git up and dance.

Until I have something with some sort of entertainment value ...



Spot said…
Ugh, stomach flu is so gross. Thankfully the kids are big now and they can make it to the bathroom. I remember when they were little and they'd come stand over my side of the bed in the night "mommy, I'm gonna frow up!" Well why the bleepin hell are you standing by my bed then??! You know where the toilet is! Of course I never said that.

Glad everyone is well and Christmas was good to you! Missed you! Hope your New Year is fabulous even if you have to start it without the hubs!

Mark Price said…
Glad to hear all is well in the North and within the Dani-clan. Working on new years day? that blows! Better go easy on the "Captain". Have a great day!
Xtreme said…
Boo, flu season!

Yay, Captain Morgan!

And I hear ya on the creative thing. Not happening right now...
Amethyst Anne said…
Flu bites! But glad all are recovering. I think that turkey actually pools around the brain causing a lack of creative spirit...well that's my excuse. :)
brite said…
Ack! Nasty puking for Xmas, but glad to hear you're all on the mend!
oh my holy holy good gawd...and all that jazz.

I have an exceedingly unhealthy aversion to puke.

AND---my man is also working a 12 hour shift TODAY and TOMORROW.

Which means...drum roll please...I am home alone. With five kids. That would really love to see my tied up with duck tape and stuffed in a cold dark place.

Nuff said. Pray for me. I will pray for you.

Does that cancel the prayers out? I'm confused.

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