Nothing ...

I hab a code in my node. Poor Danica ... what a sin... (I'm patting my own head)

A few things that have occured to me in the past day or so (and I'm thinking it's quite a co-inky-dink that this coincides with the onset of my cold symptoms and thus commencment of taking drugs for such) <-- did that make sense to anyone else?? Where was I? Oh yeah ... it has occured to me that there are cameras located throughout the office. One outside, one at the front desk. These are the ones I know about ...

To the very best of my knowledge, they have not been activated inside as yet ... but who really knows. He's the paranoid type, my boss - dunno WTF his problem is ... I'm just waiting for the sticky note on my desk that says:


Big Bro is watchin', man ...

Or my personal fav--->

I wonder if he can read my thoughts??? I think I should fashion a tin foil helment for my trips downstairs ... just in case... though if he could read my thoughts, he'd likely be visibly protective of his parts and apt to conceal various orifices with handy dandy duct tape ... so no - clearly, he mustn't be able to read me ...

Perhaps I will leave one of my 'post it's on his desk ... it'll go a little sumthin' like this:

Think that might get me some EI EI OOOO??? (For my American friends, that would be a Canadian's version of working for the government - except we call it "employment insurance" instead of "unemployment insurance" as it seemed more positive or some other such nonesense ... POGEY...)

Ahhh ... I took some night time sniffeling, coughing, constipated, snuffelupagus, I've fallen & I can't get up medicine ... look at the pretty lights ...

All I'm gonna say is this: Everyone better thank whatever diety they pray to that I gave up illicit drugs a long time ago ... 'cause this is my brain on cough syrup <--- that is a weird word ... S-y-r-u-p ...

Gonna go to bed with wet wool socks on and hopefully kick this nasty cold :) no, really - that is supposed to work. I'll let you know.


Mark Price said…
Danica, you crack me up! Please promise all your adoring fans that if the post-it notes ever do really appear on your desk that you will photograph and post them on here. And maybe a pic of the filthy whore-spawn who calls himself your boss too. Its easier to dislike someone if you have a visual. Feel better soon!
Okay, Mark I promise. (You get that you ARE my adoring fan, right?)

Of course good ol Narcissus would likely dictate the bloody notes to me anyway ... so you know.

He looks like James Spader did when there was less of him and he was younger. (Narci is only just turning 42. His wife looks like Barbie (the doll) with a leather face. They are openly mocked in our teensy tiny town.

Uh oh ... can't talk ... comin' down ...
Spot said…
I thought I was your adoring fan??! Oh my girl, if that's you on cough syrup, I soooo want to see you drunk. Because I think we could get into a whole lot of trouble!!

The sticky notes are hilarious. And wouldn't it be funny if he did dictate and then say "please post that on your computer monitor"!?! That would be an asshat thing to do, thus right up his alley.

Feel better soon. And really? I don't think the wool socks are a good idea...just saying...

The Management said…
Can we work a deal for those notes at StabbyMart. I'm willing to pay a premium for exclusivity.
Eyvi Sprite said…
hee hee! My post it is going to say something like you spent 27 hours on a website called Pajiba. Last week.

Umm, Mr. Marky Mark? May I call you that? Cause that would be awesome. I have a photo. Name your price, sir.

Dani, Darling, James Spader is not unattractive, I may even go so far as to say he is appealing. Our boss? No! Just, No. Perhaps we are jaded because we can see the demon spirit beneath the skin, but I doubt it.
Doran ... if you want the recipe for the post its - it is yours. Give me an email addy and I'll send you instructions ... my payment - maybe a discount on some weapon of specific destruction :)

Eyvi - like it or not ... he looks like James Spader. He does. He also gets that asshole-ish cocky look that Spader used to have in his young days.

Spot - thanks, Spot ... nice to have adoring fan ...s :) Drunk is fun too, but I have a pretty high tolerance for the alcy-hol.

Thanks guys! Take care.
Meeko Fabulous said…
Oh fark! I love those stickies!!! :)

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