It's No Whining Wednesday again...

Okay - I realize I missed last week.

Last week, I subscribed to the concept that if you couldn't say sumping nice (or in my case, bitingly sarcastic) - say nothing at all ... sooooo, I said nothing.

This week, however I have my happy place in my sights and my intention is to scratch the hell outta that suckah.

I have decided to make a list of things I love. Yup ... dats it, and here goes (in no particular order):

Sunrise - not that I see it often (and this really only works if you stay up until) but there is most certainly magic in a sunrise ... you can almost taste it.

Renovating/home design - I dig it. It's something my hubby and I have been doing for the past 10 years together and I never really get tired of dreaming up new designs.

Drinking - yeah, I know ... d'uh. Really though liver may disagree, but I love to drink. It's good.

Science - I really love science stuff .. you know, space and geology and the study of the ocean ... even biology ... I dig it.

Watching a movie on TV that you had no idea was going to be good - seriously, is there anything better? Okay, there are better things, but it's nice -you gotta admit.

Bare feet in warm (not hot) sand - oh man ... that is serious therapy right there.

Listening to the awesomest of awesome music while driving along a secondary, scenic highway with a super wicked stereo and no distractions... oh ... I wanna go do that right now.

Cooking when I don't have to - I really enjoy cooking. I think there must be some Italian in my blood somewhere, I just really hate cooking under duress. That bites. But when I can fiddle around with recipes and take my time ... the love flows.

My dog, Cooper ... how could you not love this face?
(date is screwey on my camera)

A clothes line full of crisp, clean linen. Sounds odd perhaps, but it fills my heart with joy.

Painting - I realize two things: 1) this could fall under renos/design & 2) Painting is like work ... but it is so rewarding it deserved its own line and it makes such a massive difference to a room it is nutz!

My bloggy buds. Srsly ... I love you guys ... ooops - maybe no drinking while blogging :)

Technology - let's face it. We live in a world where you can have a baked potato in under 6 minutes. What more could you want from life?

Impromptu parties - hasn't happened to me in a long time, but I so love a good party that wasn't pre planned.

and finally for today ...

Christmas - oh man ... do I love Christmas. I married Tim "the tool man" Taylor/Clarke Griswold. You can likely see our house from space at Christmas time. We are a little on the daft side where this holiday is concerned - but I do love it.

Okay - so for today, that's sufficient.

It's my offering for this edition of NWW :)


The Management said…
Those are all good things, with the exception of painting. I started on this house one-and-a-half years ago and am still at it. I'm ridiculously anal about it so it takes forever. I should be done the basement (baseboards door moldings and all) by next summer.
Xtreme said…
Home reno's are fun, I just wish I was better at drywall. And plumbing. Oh, and electrical.

I kinda suck, actually.

Wait, is that whining?
I hear ya ... it is s-l-o-w going here, too. Mostly because we have been financially paralyzed pretty much since we bought this place ... but it is starting to come in teeny tiny steps now. Building my Mom's flat took so much time & effort - and now she's in my bloody house anyway ... ahhhhhhh ... oops - this is supposed to be NWW.

So, yeah - I am hoping to have my kitchen done by next winter :)
Xtreme - I'll have you know I have become known for my finesse at the whole drywalling thing. I hate it - but I'm getting good...
Meeko Fabulous said…
I love going on those long drives with the windows down, the stereo blaring, and the wind in my hair. Also, love, love, love Christmas! I can't wait until the season rolls around so I can start decorating the house!!!
Jan said…
Ha Ha! Too funny that you mentioned your dog but not your kids!! I suppose they are just a given...

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