The weekend...

This past weekend wasn't much to write home about (as it were). There were two highlights: a) I got smashed with my hubby Saturday night and it was loads of fun and b) Spender stumbled on my 'other blog' and said nice things about one of my 'shorts' ... let me say from the point of view of an attention whore - that was heavenly :) Thanks to you, Spender!
I spent the better part of yesterday camped out in my favorite chair ... nursing a hangover. That was good for me. I'm feeling a whole lot better than I was. After sitting at my table on Saturday morning and bawling like a baby for an hour while my poor husband was turning himself inside out trying to "fix" me. I know that guys are geared that way - it's just that sometimes what we need more than anything is to just let it out - and feel heard. (I am learning in my old age the only solution to that would have been to marry a woman ... alas - some highly important anatomy absent in that case ...) But I digress ...
So - here's a funny little story ... I'm in the shower Saturday - bear in mind this is just after my little cry-fest ... so there I am, doing some regular maintenance ... you get the idea, there was a razor involved ... mindin' my own ... and I feel the incredibly cold shower curtain liner grazing my behind ... something that doesn't happen on it's own ... and I look down and I see my dumb cat in between the outer curtain and the liner ... which is fairly normal for her except that she is lying on the edge of the tub and she is batting at the water as it is hitting the edge of the curtain - so I can see this ending poorly ... but I resume my tedious work - at which point I feel the (freezing freakin') shower curtain touching me from the other side - that gets my attention as I am watching the cat on the opposite side. So I turn - and here is Cooper (my big oaf of a dog) with his big ol' bear sized head stuck in the bathtub, drinking the shower water. Again - would have been fine on any other day ... except Cooper spotted Chloe and Chloe spotted Cooper, causing Chloe to fall into the tub and get immediately soaked from the spray ... I'm sure you are aware how much cats like to be wet .... at which point, Cooper jumped in after her (he is at roughly 93 lbs at present with paws like a polar bear) ...
So I have three very deep gashes in my thigh and calf from the ensuing battle of feline vs canine vs bathtub ...  you could hear the calamity that ensued from two doors down, I'm sure. Then I had the entire house hold in the bathroom with me ... so much for 10 minutes of privacy ... I'm bleeding, the kids are crying, my husband is trying to find something to stop the bleeding - the cat and dog have taken the fight downstairs ... I can here stuff getting knocked over ... it was funny. I should have a sit com. My home life is somewhat funny to watch, I'm sure.


Spot said…
Oh my! And I thought this kind of chaos only reigned at my house! Nice to know there is someone else battling calamity on a daily basis. Just found your blog it. Oddly enough I once had a leg-shaving razor incident husband spying the damage cooly commented "If you're trying to kill yourself, I believe you're going about it all wrong. It's wrists dear, not ankles." =]
Welcome spot!

Totally happy to have a fan (of sorts) of my 'silly'.

To the husband that gives me suicide instuctions ... special won ton soup for you ... hee hee.

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