Some People's Children...

Boy! It has been a week at work.

Don't get me wrong, I'm bored outta my silly little mind, but there has been some shit splatter from the proverbial fan all up in here!

So... yesterday, I had to go an get my CT Scan done for 7:10 am. I had to be there at 6:40 am, so I was up at 5:00. That allowed me to get the scan, return home, make lunch for myself and my two children and then head into work - and still make it on time.

I pulled into my usual parking space (as I am a creature of habit) and proceeded to gather my stuff to take into work. When I went to unplug my phone, I noticed several messages from my boss - who is out West this week with our President at a series of meetings. 

I immediately called her.

She was in a tizzy, for sure and by the time she spat out the whole story, it would seem our President got himself drunk when he landed and stayed that way for the ensuing two days, culminating in him knocking boots with the Executive Director of another concrete association in the room adjacent to my boss lady.

Now, they are both adults, but it really doesn't look good to have your President wandering around drunk and falling penis-first into anything that'll hold still. Not good at all... not to mention the fact that we are trying to sell our most recent educational offering to these people - AND, she is a staff member of another association. He is an elected board member. It is not cool. Not cool at all. Plus it is further complicated by the fact that the girl in question is a well known Bitch... with a capital B.

Today, they will be travelling home together on the same flights - that will eat up most of the day. I feel bad for my boss lady. She is beside herself with disgust and disappointment... does not want to even look at him, and will be stuck sitting next to him all the way home.


I can't imagine how in the hell I'm even gonna make eye contact with him... and I'm not supposed to know. It will be highly uncomfortable moving forward knowing all the little tid bits of info that I do. Ignorance really is bliss, by times.

Back in my mortgage days, I was aware that people in my industry often hooked up at various corporate events... never people I knew well, and honestly, I tended to stay away from much of the shenanigans. This, though... this is grossing me right out! I had at least a modicum of respect for him. This guy has a girlfriend, for crying out loud! His first girlfriend (of a year and a half) since his marriage went South due to his wife cheating on him... you'd think he would have grabbed a clue or two from that experience.

It would seem that is not the case. I happen to know this is not the first company inkwell into which he has dipped his quill... but that is not a story for this medium. Ignorance to that little nugget would have been somewhat more blissful than my existing feelings on the matter.

I know I am no poster child for perfection in a marriage. I have stumbled... but this flagrant breach of conduct is beyond me. I just don't understand how grown-assed adults can walk around in this world behaving like this! I truly do not.

It would seem his defense is going to consist of "but I don't even remember what happened"... I don't buy that. Anyone that gets that fucked up at a company function has to know good and well they are going to misbehave. I know he's an alcoholic... I've been told numerous times - though am yet to experience him overly drunk. Like does he need a handler to attend these functions? 

Seriously, people! I'm so ashamed for him.



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