
Showing posts from 2009

2009, Don't Go Away Sad ...

Don't go pre-fab ... Don't go be bad ... Don't go away mad ... Just go away (go away) Go Away & Stay Away!!! (For you Blondie fans out there) Yeah, yeah ... I know I am supposed to be all nostalgic and reminiscent of my last year about this time ...  but - NOT!! I have never been so happy to say so long to a year in my entire life! Buh-bye, 2009!! I'd say it's bin fun ... but it hasn't. I'd say you'll be remembered fondly, but you won't. How about this: it's bin a slice ... of HELL!!! Before anybody jumps bi-peded down my throat for this post, hear this - I AM grateful that my family is very healthy. I am grateful we are together. I am grateful we have a roof over our heads ... VERY GRATEFUL. I thank whomever will listen for my babies and my hubs and for all of the good in our world , regularly - I do. There is no part of this that is supposed to sound all 'poor me - nobody has it worse' ... or the like. There are people (man...

Turkey Coma Abated...

Okay - so I'm still kickin'. The always enjoyable, never a bore, highly contagious flu-bug has trampled its way through my house. Stretch had it before Christmas and Shorty suffered through it yesterday. So, we missed Christmas Eve/Day and Boxing Day... that was good. Hubs had to go back to work on Saturday - so that sucked ASS. He's working New Year's Eve AND Day ... so that REALLY bites. I was hoping he'd get a little time off - alas ... no rest for the wicked, I guess. Santa found us alright and our Christmas was quite lovely. The girls were crazzzeee excited. My sister actually came out on the "eve" and spent the night ... I was rather impressed, as her man was at his family's place ... I assumed she would be with him. It was good for Mom to have her here ... and my girls. Not a whole lot of creative juices flowing today ... I'm still wiped out from Shorty's flu ... and our flu shots - which we all got yesterday. (Yeah ... poor Short...

Twas d'Night Afore Christmas

As promised ... I am sharing a publication of my hubs'. This was written by Bob Youden Twas d'night afore Christmas Down 'ere in Newfoundland An' dere was h'ice an' big snowdrifts A plenty on 'and Wit' d'kids, all a sleepin' H'up stairs in d'loft An' Mudder in d'kitchen Cookin' h'up a big scoff Den I was cuttin' Some splits for d'stove An' Mudder was bakin some bread - Jus' four loaves Wit' peas puddin' an' cabbage Some spud an' carn beef Jus' tinkin' about it Sure t'will be a fine feast Den down be d'warf Dere arose some big clatter I t'ought dat Garge Murphy Fell h'off d'flake ladder I runs to d'door Like d'clap of a bell Caught me toe on the rug An' be jumpins' I fell H'as I gawked in d'garden And h'out on d'bay B'y d'cat got me tomgue I 'ad nuttin' t'say I t'ought t...

Christmas Eve Eve...

Hullo bloggy peeps (or at least those few of you still stuck at work and unable to begin your merriment just yet). Today is one of the 'sacred' days in my world. Today is Christmas Eve eve. It is the day before my favorite day of the year and the day before, the day before the favorite day of the year for most children in the free world. I say 'most' only because there seems a large amount of stoutly religious folk that do not celebrate the birth of Christ, but seem to join in with the more Pagan celebration. No offense was intended, only an observation from my tiny little corner of the pumpkin patch. In commenting on one of my favorite blogs this morning, it got me to thinking. (I KNOW - right??? scairt me too) Many of us have blogged about the stresses of the holidays. Not to mention the additional strain that can be associated with cramming families into tight quarters with the expectation of making happy memories - only to (in many cases) fail miserably. It is a...

Stickie Notes Tuesday - Holiday edition

                  I forget to give props to Supah ... this is her gig ...

Holiday Cheer!

Whew! Survived the last weekend before the big day!! Barely Poor Stretch came down with the stomach flu last night. It would seem she is on the mend now, though. Just spoke with Hubs and he says she's bounding back ... keeping food down & all. Just hoping the other little pimple doesn't have it for Christmas again. That would seriously suck. Hubs and Gamma and I stayed up until after 2:30am Sunday morning wrapping pressies and drinking eggnog laced with Captain... mmmmm .... Captain. I'm tired ... and lazy ... so I am coppin' out just a little with my Monday post. These are some funnies I have rather enjoyed ... so hopefully they will brighten your day. I'm thinkin' that should be signed "Shorty" This would be a Maritime Christmas Tree THIS is why you need to PUT IT DOWN!!!   Self explanatory Happy HalloChristeastergivingyear, Boyle     Och! D'oh! As IF - like those of us with kiddles have time on THAT ...

This was mine ...

Attn:  Billing Dept, Executive Department , President Ebay North America Re : seller account sperry_wvu Chat Session Number:  20866560 To Whom It May Concern, I am appalled to hear that Ebay is not honoring their promise to  waive all fees  for a charity auction benefiting a little boy named Jaden Duttine.  Jaden is two years old and is sick with stage 4  cancer.    It would behoove Ebay's image to approve the reversal of all fees on this sellers account as promised and documented.   This  family is in dire need of the $453.70 in fees that Ebay might possibly take out of their pocket. Further to the above, I have been an eBay shopper for a number of years. While I certainly understand that you (as a company) are not running a charity, and that there are fees incurred when selling using your service, this matter is completely different. This seller was assured these fees would be waived. The auction would never ha...

Help Jaden - Fight eBay

Admittedly, I do not normally involve myself in many 'on-line causes'. This one is different. There is a 2 year old boy with stage 4 brain cancer that is fighting the fight of survival and attempting to kick cancer in its ass. The story is beyond heart breaking ... bordering on unfathomable for me as a mother to process. Should you have an interest in more information on his story, you can click here . The reason for this post in particular is because the black soul-ed corporate machine that is eBay has reneged on the agreement it had with a fine lady by the name-o-Supah who whole heartedly threw herself (along with anyone she could carry, drag, guilt or push) into organizing and running an auction for this fine little man. eBay agreed to waive the fees. She has many 'chats' from three different eBay staff assuring her they would not charge the fees for this charity event. Supah would not have done it thru them otherwise... she has like a zillion followers all on her...

Thank You Very Much Thursday

Howdy all! Here we are one week away from the bestest day of the entire year (or so I will keep telling myself). Christmas Eve holds this bizzare magical hold over my imagination every year. It is with this in mind, that I give you a very special TYVM Thursday, photo edition... okay, so there are only a few photos - each of which geared to insight jealousy over my spiffer-do decoratin' prowess (if you knows what's good for you ... you'll make a big deal - I'm the sensative type in case nobody's noticed) ...snort snort TYVM squirrels, for neglecting to nest in this loverly tree whilst it lived in the shed of our last house. I was ascired to look, but all was well. (This is my white lights ONLY dress up tree) TYVM Santa, for giving me the suit off yer back ... to cover my dining room table with during this festive season.         (This is one of my most fav things for Christmas decor ... you can't see it, due to ...

Booyah - Bitches!!

I just really wanted to say that ... at least once. So ... Saturday night was my 'big' holiday par-tay. It was a banquet put on by the national mortgage originator with whom our company is affiliated. Eyvi did not surprise me and show up anyway - BOO. Narci  and Barbie - Boop, on the other hand - did. BOO. They sat at our table. BOO. Narci is the "King of Kenzington" wherever he goes ... soooo Barbie Boop was mine to entertain all night ... did you know it was possible to drink yourself sober in the face of such adversity? Tis. The party not only did not suck, I would be remiss if I did not give it at least a thumb and a half up (c'mon now ... remember who's writing this thing). They provided rooms for each of us at the hotel where it was held ... which meant ... drum roll, please ... A NIGHT AWAY FROM THE ANKLE BITERS!!! BOOHYAH! I would be fibbin if I said I did not enjoy THAT little perk. Plus I have two words for y'all ... O-P-E-N  B-A-R !!! Did...

Holiday Fun

I'm playing along with Linda The Good Cook and Nancy from Life in the Second Half . . . I hope you'll join in the holiday fun . . . If you're reading this post, then you must: ( or don't . . . I will love you either way! ) :) (a) leave a comment and answer the below 25 questions that Mandy made up, (b) write the answers to the questions below in your own blog post, if you have a blog, that is. or (c) call yourself a scrooge in the comment below and refuse to answer them. I hope you choose (A) or (B) but if you choose (C) then I'll just let the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future deal with you. If you do decide to write your own blog post about it, please mention Mandy since she is the author of these important questions. (Writers credit and all that jazz - thanks!) (1) What is your favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Carol. It's kind of a tradition to watch it. (2) What is your LEAST favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Story...

Season Gotcha Down?

So, I've noticed that a number of people in (and in some cases, adjacent to) my world are feeling somewhat down and out. Not an unusual sentiment during this time of year. I have a few opinions about this (gasp - I can hear your shock from here). It would seem there are a few different takes on the holiday season - or for the purpose of this post, Christmas. Some are humbug-ish by nature, some find themselves emotionally (not to mention financially) overwhelmed. Some use this time of year to take stock ... much of the time not really liking what they find. Personally, I really love Christmas ... well, I love the romanticized idea of it. I love the magic that shakes its little fairy ass all over the kids ... the idea of togetherness and a general feeling of goodwill. The alcohol ... that could be my favorite part. The trouble I have with Christmas is that the idea couldn't be farther from reality if it lived on another planet... in an another universe ... and an alternate...

Moving on...

Okay, so it is fairly obvious I was pretty tired when I wrote my last post. It has been corrected ... not that it really matters, but y'know. Unfortunately, nobody got any video footage of the 'spectacle' ... sorry to disappoint. I don't really know why - everyone was texting everyone from different points of view ... odd. Apparently, Skankala's little 'buddy' was praple. As to her level of hot-ness ... unless someone actually set her on fire, I would say it was non existent. Let's just say she could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence ... and leave it at that - shall we? Moving on ... I am in a rather strange mood today. Looking around at a few of my blog-buds, I notice that holiday depression is rearing its ugly-ass head. In honor of that, I think I will attempt a holiday edition of TYVM Thursday today. And with that, I give you: A special holiday inspired edition of Thank You Very Much Thursday!! TYVM Narci, for the lo...

Can't Be a Good Sign ...

...that it has taken me three days to recover enough to be able to write about my staff party. First, let me say that this year I did NOT do the techno-colour yawn into my purse. This is one of a very few positive notes, so I put a little check mark here ... Beyond that, well ... I'm going to try to do this some justice. There is a teeny voice inside me noggin that is saying ... uh, Dani ... do you REALLY want these lovely people to know any more about the dysfunction that is your place of employment than they do already? I mean, really - have I NO pride? Apparently not - lucky for y'all. First off, the shin-dig was held at a pretentious little pub in a teeny little off-shoot of our home town. It was nice enough, but not at all an appropriate venue for the class of people we seem to employ. First was the meal ... lemme describe the meal here: These puppies were like 36 bucks a head, BTW. The salad was a small little pile of leaves with a blop of what appeared to be s...

I Can't Freakin' Comment!!

Okay ... I'm not real happy about this, people!!! I can't comment on my bloggy buddies' posts ... and this makes me cronky. (I meant to spell it that way) So, Admin - even though I doubt you are reading anyone else's blogs today on account of your foul humour, I tried to comment - TWICE and the bitch wouldn't let me!!! And I was FUNNY DAMMIT!!!! DAMN FUNNY! Your loss.... nope, it's too late. I'm in a shitty now and I'm not repeating myself for a third time! But I love you ... and your foul-ocity all up in the pants! Spot ... I typed a short story on yours, but only the once. The long and the short of it was this (in far fewer words than the original) : Your boys need to be whipped soundly (with a set of mini lights) and sent to bed with no tenderloin for them ... in stinky jammies and last week's underoos. You spoiled 'em ... but they need a wake up call. You are their goddess ... they best start some worshipin'. Oh and I bragged f...

Okay - So I Am Livin' in a Dream World...

Yeah, yeah - I know what yer thinkin' ... whaz up wid the new look?? Dani-fly? Really? Well - it wouldn't fit any other way ... not really a sessy reason, but the truth. And the pic? A gal can dream, can't she? I am trying the whole 'positive projection' thang... and I positively would love to project THAT image. So, this is my new look for a while ... and yes, I change my furniture around this often. It would appear I bore easily when it comes to decor - even in cyber space. ************************************************************************************ Okay, I just hung up the phone from Mr Dragonfly. The conversation was mostly mundane up until this part: Mr D: Well hun, if you WANT to do some decorating (and no, I didn't) you could always go downstairs and grab that set of bush lights. Me: Bush lights? *snickers like a pervy teenaged boy* Mr D: *oblivious* Yeah, you know, the mini lights ... to decorate your bush. Me: Bahhh haa haa haa h...