More Awards...

Soooo ... in an effort to get me back make me feel validated and accepted into her fold, Spot has graciously bestowed another award upon me. Thank you, Spot.

Fine print for the From the Inside...Out award~

The first thing is that you may/may not put this award on your sidebar....and you may/may not link it back to me. I'm not looking for free publicity's all about the loooooove. (Done!)
The second thing is that you need to fill in the following blanks. (see below)

1) My site rocks because:
2) In my next life, I want to come back as a: Because:
3) For me, the best part of blogging is:

Finally, you may pass this award on to three (3) other deserving blogs as a way to continue passing on the loooove (and done!)

1. My site rocks because - I truly enjoy making people laugh. Most of the time I think I manage that here. Plus I seem to love the sound of my own voice ... even when it is inside my own head ... and well - ya'll are my (not so) captive audience. I love that! And then there is the overt rage ... that helps, too.

2. In my next life I want to come back as a Dragonfly because most people like 'em (therefore don't try to kill them all the time), they are beautiful and they spend their lives flying around having buggy intercourse everywhere. What's not to love?

3.For me the best part of blogging is: You guys and gals. My "Bleeps". I luz ya ... each and every one of you. Plus ... referring to #1 ... the sound of my own voice(s).

I wish to bestow this award on the following three ladies who rock the blogisphere!!

Daune at Triplets Plus Two
Chief at (Hiding from the Kids)
Amethyst Ann at The Lunch Hour

I did not check to see if any of you already have this ... and I won't sulk if nobody does their homework ... but I bestow the award just the same.



Spot said…
Revenge is sweet. Be warned...I got some more awards today. Lol. Seriously, I gave them to you out of looovvveee, not malice. ;]


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