When The Universe Whispers...

Ever looked back on a particularly difficult time in your life and think: Man I don't know how I would have gotten through that without ~insert name~ ?

I've put a great deal of thought into this phenomenon. How is it that these highly helpful, insightful people just happen upon us right when we need them the very most?

That's what happens when the universe whispers...

I am not a person that subscribes to the idea of a single deity in charge of everybody and their fate. I believe the world, the cosmos and anything else that is out there, is ruled by energy. Electricity, magnetism, gravity, kinetic, heat... and whatever else there is. 

Think about it. Sharks communicate through electronic pulses they send out in the water. Dogs sense the most minute changes in the energy field of humans. Even us poor, under-evolved humans can sense attraction, fear, bad intentions, goodness and even need from what is sometimes a vast distance. Those of us that feel the call, usually answer in kind.

I have a 'friend' (I am not so certain I can freely use this term... we may be more 'previous acquaintance' at this point) that went through a difficult time and wound up leaving a marriage, rather against his will. He was feeling very emasculated and rather worthless in the typical 'male pride' department.    

In trots Dani.

I was his cheerleader. His biggest fan. I built up his self esteem, and though I have zero doubt he'd have done it on his own, my influence certainly expedited the process. I feel good about that. 

The contact itself has had its own price from my side, but I wouldn't change it, even if I could. I still care very much for this person. Care how his life is going, how he feels... but he has outgrown my influence and I guess at the end of the day, that's alright, too.

My bestie has had a few of these folks in her life. A few years back, she was coming unglued because of a number of shitty life events, and out of the clear blue sky, this guy just magically appeared in her life. A friend of a friend on face book that she had jokingly sent a friend request to three years prior... and just at that perfect time, he accepted and they became fast friends. In fact, he offered her tools and information she would never have had without meeting him.

That's the universe whispering.

Now I'm conversing with another 'friend' that has recently become separated and has struggled with anger and dissolution. Another person in my world that valued the 'family unit' for its stability, but didn't take the care needed to hang on to that unit.

The question I have right now is whether I was sent for him or, if the universe didn't whisper to him, on my behalf. 

It's not a secret around here that I am not overjoyed with my current situation. I am railing against control and distrust like a two year old rails against bedtime. I had this awful unending dream in the fragmented 45 minutes of sleep I actually attained last night about my employer hiring someone to watch me.


I'm having nightmarish dreams about people not trusting me. Treating me like a common criminal - even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Hmm I'm having a deja vu. Where have I heard this before? Oh, yeah. Right.

Hey universe... can you send a whisper my husband's way? Tell him this will kill my spirit. Please tell him he has to get himself under a 'no snooping' policy. He can private detect his children until the cows come home, but his wife is off limits. It will drive me crazy... and we don't want Dani crazy again so soon.

D-out, bleeps!


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