Sibling Rivalry

Also known as being a general butt-head!

My youngest sister is home from up North. 
She is here for two weeks.
I have been trying to put a 'gathering' together for her, for the past month. My mother and more local sister couldn't commit to anything because the youngest had not shared her plans with them, therefore, plans could not be made.
She, simply didn't answer me.

My job is taking me out of town for four days next weekend - with my kids, so I was attempting to get said kids - her ONLY nieces - together with their aunt, this weekend. You know, because I work all week. 
Everyone was aware of my previous plans. Not like I sprung it on them last minute.

I tried the gathering, no go.
I tried to invite my kids camping with them, not enough room.
I tried to get my kids into the trip 'out of town' they are planning, again, no room at the Inn.
Then, I offered to take Friday off work so we could go out to my more local sister's place and everyone could visit - plus she and her mate have a place right on a beach... it's really beautiful out there - so we could have pitched a tent and they have a big fire pit... but nooooo. 

Apparently they have to have their trip out of town from Friday to Tuesday. It can't move by one damned day. So... they are back late Tuesday and we are leaving early Thursday morning. My middle sister is more local than the other, but still lives and hour and a half away... and I'll remind you about the fact that I do work.

My kids don't warrant an overnight visit? They'd barely get an hour a piece, by the time I pulled all that off... and we don't get back until the 19th and she flies out early on the 20th. The worst of it is, she is so concerned about herself, she is going to hurt my kids.

I am not pleased.

My mother chimed in, too. Started her text with my childhood pet name. That was the match strike. Then she followed that up with the whole "Aw... it's not looking good for the camping trip. They want to get out of town early Friday"... she is going with them. That was the 'sploshin! 

I did not answer either of them, for fear of destroying any possibility of a relationship in the future, out of quick temper. It was the very best I could muster. I have been seething about this all day today. I can't even with these people.

I just don't get it. How can these three women, grown-ass women, one with a double masters in psychology and some other impressive thing... act like such complete spoiled princesses at the expense of the only actual children in the family!


You're all assholes! Every last fucking one of you, and worse - you are about to seriously hurt my kids. 

Them's fighting terms.

I guess I am the terrible daughter. I've always been on the outside of their little club. One of these things is not like the other, one of these things are kinda the same...

They don't realize how hurtful they are being, but that changes nothing.

I don't know how I am going to make this sound palatable, or at least less stabby... but little miss Dr Baby-Sis better be prepared for the clear communication coming her way in the very near future. There is no bloody way I will stay quiet about this one. I have nearly swallowed my tongue with these three for decades, when the kids were oblivious to this bullshit! I swallowed hard, but I never confronted anyone about it. I sat in the bathtub blubbering into the phone, with my bestie on the other end of the line. I drank copious amounts of alcohol, and ate copious amounts of food... but I never said a word.

Then I had my surgery. That was six weeks before Christmas, that year. 2010, I believe. I was still on a mostly liquid diet. 

As per the norm, I hosted. I have the children, after all. I cooked, I cleaned, I shopped and I served their asses for three days. They repaid me by sitting at my dining room table, eating various chocolates and candies out of my good stem ware, while nattering on about something hilarious that clearly, I was not included in.

That was the year I started smoking pot again. Because I couldn't drink my way through the holiday, and I sure as hell wasn't able to eat my way through it - I had just had 85% of my stomach removed. It was a major abdominal surgery... and there they were, eating candy and drinking drinks I couldn't have, while I was working in the kitchen ***Now to clarify, I chased them out of the kitchen because at the time, I was so severely obsessive compulsive, I couldn't have people around me while I was trying to do anything. My skin would attempt to leave.

They didn't have to completely abandon me there. It was like they were having a laugh at sneaking the candies. Like a pack of mean girls making fun of the fat kid. That is exactly how I felt... and wound up being the catalyst of the bath tub bawling.

My point is that while sibling rivalry is a real thing, my sisters are just mean. It seems pretty simple, honestly.


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