Have I Mentioned My Hatred for February?

Howdy-ho, Bleeps.

Sorry I have been absent for the past little while.

I have been in a funk.

It started innocently enough ...

{It's too blurry to read, but it says: I don't even feel like picking my ass}

Soon, though ... I started having headaches ...

...and then they got worse.

I reached out for some chemical solace...

But it only lasts a short while.

It happens most years, in February ... I just feel like I am standing at the edge of a great precipice...


Just doing my best to hang on to whatever shred of happy I can sink my nails into.

Inevitably, I get tired of being sad ... and my mood swings into a slightly more volatile one:

I get a little testy at home while cooking the evening meal ...

Then ... well, my attitude takes a turn for the worse at work...

losing my temper easily ...

 The signs are clear ...

But some people never learn to listen ...

Without fail, I will be left making this statement:



Spot said…
I'm sorry you're having a stabby february. My kids want me to stop saying "stabby". I told them it's Canadian and I got it from my Canadian friends so really it's like I'm speaking a foreign language when I say it and they should be impressed. And yet, they aren't.


PS- my word verification is "convi" which is almost "convict" which is what you might be soon if you february doesn't end. Just wanted to point that out. =]
brite said…
Oh Dani...what you need is some sunshine!February's almost over (thank God it's a short month, eh?) and then the days will be longer and you'll feel less stabby/blue(yellow?)/headachy.
I love this montage though, especially the guy hanging onto the happy face flotation device!
Jan said…
Hang in there! It's almost over!
Mark Price said…
Hey my birthday is in February so it can't be all bad. Also theres Valentines day, and Presidents day...oops you are in Canada so you prolly don't do presidents day there. Anyway I loved the pictures and I hope you feel Mo' Happier soon.
I'm super angry this month too.
It's gottal blow over soon, right?
BlackLOG said…
Just as well it's the shortest month, who knows what you would be like if you had to get through another 2 or 3 days of February....
Cindy said…
I hear ya. I've been in a bit of a fug too, and it's hard to get me fuggin'... /pause to reconsider word choice... /shrug... /grin

It's just February, isn't it? Did I send you my recipe for hot buttered rum? Should I?

Big Love

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