Coffee Cups & Jail Time

Mmmkay ...

Is it wrong that for the offense of using MY coffee mug and then not only NOT washing it out immediately upon returning home and placing it into its place of belonging - but not even running the dishwasher it spent its night in ... I seriously considered killing my husband this morning?

Really - is that so wrong of me?
I firmly believe this was clearly provocation on his part ... it's possible that one could even call it self defense of some sort or another. I mean - I NEED my coffee in the am... and it MUST be served in MY travel mug ... those are the rules. 

They were written into the marriage contract. Right after Paragraph 3, sub section 12: Under no circumstances is the husband to use the wife's toothbrush.

I'm just sayin'...


The question ***IS*** does ***HE*** know they were written in the contract?

It makes all the difference in the world.

But, I feel ya. Truly. You need a secret back up mug. Pronto :)
BTW: I'm running to check my catologue pile right now...just in case :)
Amethyst Anne said…
..can't stop...laughing...can't..find........marriage contract...
Damn its good to see you back!
Spot said…
I've threatened to gouge my husband's eyes out with my thumbs for lesser offenses. For real.


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