Worry Wart

I know it's a cliché, but I'm worried about my worry wart... my youngest child.

Her birthday is coming up this weekend and she was all gung-ho for a pair of guinea pigs. My husband, being the bo bo that he is, got the idea in her head and it blossomed into reality from there. Her argument for her case was strong. She pointed out how responsible she was, how much they would bring into her life... and ultimately, I caved. Not that I'm ever a hard sell for an animal...

Fast forward to last night. She tried to bring something up a few times only to stop herself.

Finally she came out with it: "Mom... I don't think I can handle getting the piggies." and with that statement, she burst into tears.

My first reaction was relief... followed immediately by concern.

Why is this kid so worried all the time?

Her reasons for not wanting to have them are varied and encompass any number of themes: Too much work, too much cost, they will take up too much space in her room... and most importantly, what happens when one dies? How will she be able to handle that?

That's like never letting love into your heart for fear of it breaking... everyone knows how short-sighted that idea is.

I do not know what to do here. 
Do I talk her back into them?
Do I respect her decision?

I feel as though she is leaving her childishness behind too quickly. 
I want her to be a kid!
Isn't she supposed to be a selfish dip-wad and not think about the consequences of getting pets?

This is like from the AP Parenting class... I dunno, I never took AP classes.



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