The Cat Shat Upon My Daughter's Bed

That is what greeted me when I arrived home.

Need I go on?

Oh... but any of you, whom have been inside my sphere for 30 seconds or so, would know - I will go on... and on.

I still smell cat shit.

I love my cats very much, I truly do. 
Honestly, one in particular. 
He's my special boy. 
He is also the culprit!
The other one has to be super motivated to go down the basement stairs, so I am pretty certain the poop belongs to Moe.

Not a common thing for him to do.
I moved their litter box. 
I showed them where it was, but it was moved. 
That may be why.

I also denied him the 'out of doors' for a second trip today.
He could be pissed about that.

I really don't know, maybe he had claimed the basement room. 
Now that Stretch is down there, maybe he is acting out by shitting on her bed.

Stranger things have happened, right?

Bear in mind this was my homecoming welcome from a day that began with my car not starting. (It did eventually start) 
I'm praying it was water in the gas. 
I need an expensive car repair bill about now, like I need another hole in my head.

*thinking positive thoughts*

I just sat down at my lap top to jot these few thoughts down, and I realized I could not sign on to the internet while both of my daughters are using it, or one will get kicked off. 
I value my life enough to not poke that bear. 
There is some mysterious issue with our internet set up that is causing it... grrr.

Anyway, I thought I'd just write this out on a word document and copy and paste it later... except that I forgot I do not have word on this computer and open office is on-line. Boo!

So SCREW IT! I exclaimed. 
I'm throwing caution to the wind and posting as though my very life depended upon it.

In similar news, I still smell cat shit and I'm fearing there is an errant pile under a chair in here or something...



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