I is Back

It's been a busy first day back ... and the day is drawing to a close, but I wanted to pop in and say helloooo ... 


I've been around to a few blogs and even commented on a couple, but I haven't had the kinda time I need to really read up on all my bleeps and their respective lives ... nope ... no time at all during my VACATION.

Thankfully, I am now back to work and have all sorts of free time to play with my imaginary friends. 

BAH!!! ... and you people wonder why I have such a poopy boss.


Meeko Fabulous said…
What? Me? I don't blog at work . . . LoL! ;)
brite said…
I'm imaginary? Well that explains a lot :) Hope you had a great vacation!
PS.Your kitty name has been adopted...Roscoe he is!
Amethyst Anne said…
Imaginary- BAH ? Imaginary blogging at work- well? Imaginary work- we could be on to something here?
Glad you are back girlfriend! Hope you had a great time.
Robin said…
hey Im glad youre back...Hope all is well...!
Mark Price said…
Imaginary friends are the best kind. You never have to buy crap from their kids' school fundraising projects. :) Welcome back Danica!
Xtreme said…
'Bout time, too!
The Real Me said…
Soooo, We aren't supposed to Blog at work? What? When are we supposed to find time to blog if we aren't doing it at work? And who will pay us to do it if we do it from home?

BlackLOG said…
I Hope you had a good break and have come back all refreshed.

P.S. Where are the imaginary cakes that should be brought back from holiday for your imaginary friends? I had a hunt around Platitude Paradise and could not see any

P.P.S. I did find some imaginary dust, under the imaginary sofa*, so have enclosed an imaginary duster for you

P.P.P.S none of those imaginary local supermarket cakes, we want the real imaginary cakes from where you visited

* What do you mean you did not know you had an imaginary sofa….where do you think your imaginary friends sit while waiting for you….
Hope you had a super vaca. I want a job so I can blog a work---in PEACE.

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