Sometimes, I Can Be a Real Dick
It's true... I super can. Being as highly self aware as I have been of late, that knowledge doesn't waft past me like it used to do. Yesterday, I had to run a particularly unpleasant errand on my way home from work. It was something I didn't want to have to do AND, it is in a location that is a nightmare to get in and out of. Long story short, I was in a state of high irritation before I even got there. I got into the parking lot without too much ado, but upon leaving, I had to pull out into one of the worst 'round-abouts' or 'rotaries' in our fair city. It was nearing 4pm and the traffic was already a little on the stupid side. I was turning right, out of the driveway into what immediately turns into 3 solid lanes of traffic - which at that hour of the day, is mostly stopped... waiting for a chance to floor it into the circular nightmare that awaits... and will ultimately spit you out some other exit and send you on your merry way... provid...