The Pubening 2.0 ... Not Shorty, Too!

My newly fifteen year old decided to cut off her long blonde hair in favour of a 'faux hawk' type style. She has the sides of her head buzzed right off and everything!

I have to say, it is really cute. 

It's happening ... she's maturing into a young woman. Developing her own 'style'.

It would seem said style is that of a hipster. A style of which, I am truly not a fan ... alas, she is entitled to her own opinion in this case. It really doesn't matter what I think. But, it is actually nice to see her taking an interest in her appearance ... not that I want to see her obsessing about it, but she has had ZERO interest up to now.

It is a positive, but it sends hot little tendrils of fear through my lymphatic system. 

So, my increasingly mature Stretch found herself in a conundrum last week. She had been invited to a sleep-over that included a trip to the pool, but she was on her period. I gave her a few options ... I could take her up after they went swimming or she could go and just not swim, or ... and then I was explaining the necessitation of tampon installation edu-ma-cation.

After a great deal of embarrassed laughter and a small temper tantrum, she decided on the tampon.

I coached her from the outside of the door and she did it no problem! I have to say, I was pretty shocked. This kid is wound pretty tight, folks. I figured I was going to have a highly emotional, tampon-less crank ass that was refusing to go anywhere at all... ever!

...and, so I  was wrong and really very happy to be.

Not to be outdone, Shorty waited until I was away for work and taught her own damned self the art of tamponing. Little shit! She couldn't even give me that, could she? Man! That kid is as stubborn as a mule! I feel like I got flipped off by my baby girl.


They're growing up so fast now. It sometimes makes my breath catch in my throat. I'm headed to their school tonight to attend a 2.5 hour long training session with regard to prepping them for college or whatever they go into after high school. 
My fledglings are getting ready to fly away. I haven't a clue what I will ever do with myself once they don't need me anymore. It nearly stops my heart, to be entirely honest.

Signing off, a tearful D.


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