Home is ...

...where you can always scratch whatever itches.

True story.

So ...

I haven't posted anything for quite some time. There was a little writing, but most was 'un-postworthy'. I've just skimmed through a few pieces and I think they shall remain unpublished. 

I have been busy doing Herculean work... and I am feeling better than I have in years!

I have returned to the land of the gainfully employed! So far, it is a complete departure from anything I've done before. So far, it is a dream come true. So far...

The time has finally arrived for me ... for us ... to move forward. Lawd! It has been a long time coming, but it is here at last! 

I greeted 2018 with what I can only describe as ... hope. Real, optimistic hope ... for the coming 12 months. 

My mood on New Year's Eve was weird ... in fact, the whole season was strange this year. I was without my normal 'manic' energy. I liken it to a phantom limb... boy did I miss it leading up to Christmas! Now that January has set in, I am incredibly grateful to be regulated through what would normally be a four month, deep, dark depressive episode. I can feel my body's muscle memory trying to shift in now and then, but so far, the meds are holding their own. 

God bless pharmaceuticals!

I guess at the end of the day, promises whispered on the wind trump the lonely howl of winter any day. It's time for my ass to be attracting some universal abundance.

Happy New Year to anyone that happens across my blithering du jour.



brite said…
Happy New Year to you! So glad things are on the upswing for you...long time coming :)

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