Sheldor is Back On Line

Have I mentioned my abject love for the show "The Big Bang Theory"? Oh ... yeah I likely have. 

So ... I have been AFK (away from keyboard) for the past several months. I took my blog down - namely because I was afraid that my ex-boss had infiltrated my page. My concern over this was (surprisingly) about his feelings, rather than my own skin. I know that if he read some of the things I had posted, it would hurt him. I have re-opened it... I will note that there are a number of exclusions to previous posts. You'll have to wait for the book to read those again.

During the process of 'censoring'  my own work, I have realized a couple of things: I am the most funny when I am the most negative. There is a great deal of 'negative-funny' in my pages. I am afraid that if I ever manage to unlock my positive, I might lose an integral part of my personality. 

This is a risk I need to take, though. I need to grow as a person. The time is now.

I am feeling pretty creative these days. Hubs and I are building a doll house for Shorty. I am in furniture design mode (though I have ordered much of the furniture from ebay). I want to decorate a mega-girly bedroom suite for her barbies. Fluffy bed, feathers, gorgeous window coverings ... PINK fur bedspread. It is going to be gorgeous! We have the materials for the structure of the house, itself and I am going to measure and draw out the cuts tomorrow - when the little darlings are at school. It isn't complicated to put together once the cuts are made. Really, it's only the windows and doors that will present a major challenge. I plan to snap some pics as we go. It is going to measure 4 feet high, by three wide. It's BIG. She is going to pee her pants.

We are also working on an art desk for Stretch. She's not the doll type. I'm going to ensure there are lots of cubbies and loads of stuff under the tree to put into them. I will have pics of this as well. A lot to do, but I have the time. This Christmas will be about the really special things we can create for each other.

I have been collecting stuff of the kids' since they were born. My plan was to make scrap books (complete with photos) for the girls for gifts this year, but I think what I may do instead is compile all the 'stuff' in two separate packages - with all the supplies needed to make one ... and then put them together WITH the girls over the Christmas break. I will be home, they will be home and it will be even more special that way, I think.

I would NEVER have considered this before I left my job. My head was far too cluttered with toxic waste to be patient enough to not only DO something like this, but actually enjoy it, too. This is good.

My plan is to write again. I have been hatching a few stories. It is so good for me to have this stuff to look back on. Really it is. I miss the purge that happens when I write. I think I have passed a milestone finally and I believe I am ready to get on with my life.

I guess we'll have to wait and see on that one.

So toodles for now ... I hope to be chatting more soon.

DD - out


brite said…
So glad to see you back Dani! I was just perusing my abandoned blog the other day and feeling all wistful and sad over the blogs I used to love to read.
I KNEW getting out from that (torture) job would transform your life. Good on ya! And maybe ...just maybe...I might find the nerve? gumption? drive? to blog a few things myself again.

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