Ahhh ... Spring

It's like the contented sigh of the year ... don't you find?

After such a long season as Winter ... when teeny hints of life poke their delicate little selves into the world ...

...and just there ... if you look very closely, you see the quiet stirrings of Mother Nature's design (look closely)

Then, you can observe the 'other', not so indigenous wild life ... they don't seem overly happy with Mommy and her camera

It was a burry day, despite the strength of the sun ... Cooper dawg was less than impressed with the fact that I had recently sheared him.

I enjoyed a little quiet time before the natives got restless ... time where I sat and sipped, and immersed myself in a glorious early Spring morning ... and coffee ... and finished "Room"

Yes, I really was there ... see my foot?

Then, it was time for a little child labor.

I promised if they collected the sticks from around the lawn, I'd light a bon fire in our little fire pit...

This one speaks to me ... I don't know why

It was Mom's birthday on Sunday ... this was the brunch feast we had in honor of it (yes, I cooked it)

Shorty decided the tulips needed a little something extra...
Woody was beat out after his day of romping about...

So was Cooper, now that I think of it ...

All in all, it was a great day ... one that I will cherish (at least until the next glorious Spring day - maybe next weekend?)


Spot said…
Lovely photos, lovely family, lovely fur babies! Glad you had a spring day to enjoy. You were due for a good one, weren't you?

This year, even I'm enjoying the advent of spring. =]

Amethyst Anne said…
AAhhh Spring indeed!! I am wildly jealous, but I know my snow raking will eventually produce grass and a deck to sit on!!
brite said…
I think that people who live in cold climes appreciate spring more. After short days and long nights of snow and cold, those first tender blades of greenery rejuvenate and bring joy to the ones who suffer winter in a much deeper and profound way than those who live in more equitable climates.
Fire! Fire Goooood!
Eyvi Sprite said…
Isn't it lovely? I spent all weekend outside either raking or reading and drinking coffee on my deck. My own personal heaven.

Diggin' the new layout.

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