Travel Plans


Here we are, on the eve of my big trip. Tomorrow (Friday) I get on a plane headed to "The Big Smoke" to meet up with my long time bleep, AA over at The Lunch Hour. I.AM.SO.EXCITED! I've never met AA in person, and some may find it odd that I would get on a plane, fly to another province, and spend a weekend in the same hotel room with a veritable stranger (nobody on here, I'm sure ... but anyone else who has heard the 'plan', it would seem). Let me just say this: I guess one could raise an eyebrow at the thought of doing such a thing ... BUT - AA has turned into a very close friend of mine. We sometimes chat on the phone (when schedules and time zones allow). We email pretty well every day while on the Bosses' respective time ... it's a public service, really ... keeps both bosses alive and in relative good health. In fact, what I have learned over the past year or so, is that AA and I are so nearly THE SAME FRIGGEN PERSON ... it's just a tad on the scary side. If ya'll wanna be scared about something ... be scared of THAT! (Be very afraid ... 'cause we are about to join forces ... and I'm really not sure if any good will come from that)

For those of you who read both of us (and I guess I'm lookin' directly back at us, the man AA sleeps with and you, Brite), this is old news ... since AA actually posted about this the other day. I don't know if anyone else actually even still stops by - as my blogging days seem to be drying up and flaking away.

Moving on ... and back to the point of this post (see, some things never change) ... my trip. Did I mention I.AM.SO.EXCITED?! Like ... nearly sick to my tummy, excited ... like ... couldn't sleep LAST NIGHT (and can't imagine that I will tonight), excited. I am only going for two fricken days, but you'd think I was moving there - for the planning and prep work I have done. I'm talkin' hair, nails, new duds, (well ... these really had more to do with the fact that I have now lost 90 lbs and none of my old stuff will even stay ON my body rather than the actual trip) new shoes (that broke the first day I wore them, I might add ... stoopid eBay), new purse. Hubby will likely be happy to get me on that plane as I'll finally stop spending so much money ... yeah ... THAT'S gonna happen... I went nearly THREE YEARS without being able to buy a bloody coffee ... we have a little cash flow right now and I'm taking advantage, DAMMIT! *snort* I really don't know what I am going to obsess about once I get home ... aw, hell ... I'll think of something, I'm sure.

So last weekend, I realized it would make good sense to ask for Thursday off to get myself (and my house) ready for me to be gone for an extended weekend. Now, Hubs is pretty capable, but there is a very large amount of work that goes into running that place, cooking meals, feeding livestock, keeping the vermin to a minimum ... you know, the usual ... I wanted to leave everything tickedy boo for them. I asked Narci if I could add Thursday to my time off - bearing in mind that it is still so dead in this office, I could literally cry most days. He gave me a face and I told him he could let me know (meaning, do NOT say no ... think about it until you get to "yes" and THEN answer me).  He never did answer me. Yesterday, when he was leaving the office (early ... to go home and spend some time with his dog ... yes, you heard me right), I said "... so ... will I see you next Tuesday?" And he said, "no - I need you here tomorrow." He couldn't even be a big enough person to come to me and say something like: Dani, I know you wanted the extra day, but I am going to be out of the office and I really need you to be there until I get back. I'm sorry about that, but if I can get out of my meetings early, I'll certainly let you leave when I get there. Oh, no ... he was simply going to leave and just not bother answering me. Man, he drives me!

I tried not to let it make me mad, but the more the minutes passed, the more pissy I got. I was standing at the front desk, waiting for a 27 page fax to send (because you actually have to do that if you want a fax to actually LEAVE this place) and he was there, talking to Bambi. He turned to me (and I was trying to be invisible) and started asking me questions about my trip ... who I was meeting, and where they were from, what we were doing ... you get the drift, he was trying to play nice after acting like the ass clown that he is. I really didn't want to be engaged in ANY sort of tete a tete with him ... but I didn't want to strain things any more (by ignoring him and walking away - like I honestly wanted to do) so, I answered the questions ... as simply as possible. When I told him where AA was from, he asked me the following:

Narci: How do you know her ... school?
Me: No ... I haven't actually ever met her in person before. 
Narci: WHAT? JES-US, DANI what do you mean you've never met her in person before?! How DID you come to know her?
Me: I met her on line
Narci: JEEEEZUSS DANI - What are you saying? HOW?
Me: Well ... (and I don't know why I gave license to the little devil on my shoulder to answer this one ... but) actually, I met her husband first ... and then he introduced his wife to me (this is actually the truth ... but he has a dirty, dirty mind ... and I KNOW this already ... and purposely played on it.)
Narci: You met her husba... is HE going on this trip TOO?! JEEEzzzUSS CHRIST, Dani ... I learn something new about you every day ... does Hubs know about all of this?!
Me: Welll ... he knows I'm going to Toronto ...
Narci: Seriously ... how did you meet her?
Me: I seriously met her through her husband ... whom I met online. (I was pretty dead-pan here and sounded a little put out that he was asking, too ... 'cause I was pissed at him)

Then, the phone rang and it was for him and he got side tracked and left right after ... so I never did set him straight ... not that I honestly give a rat's ass ... but I think my boss thinks I am going to experience some wacky orgy while I am away ... *SNORT!* Good on him.

With that, I will clue up and start a rousing game of solitaire ... as I have nothing better to do today ... but I am HERE ... I guess that's the main thing. *sigh*

Hopefully we'll both have some fun stories to share when we get back to our respective homes ... and we don't end up in some Mexican prison or some such.

Until then, bleeps ... have a great weekend!



brite said…
Oh you two are going to have sooooooo much fun!!! And don't forget to whip up some story with just a few obscure hints to drive Narci mad for when you get back.
Have a really great time Dani!

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