Adventures in Dani-Land...
...or "How My Life Resembles a Sucker" You ever had a stint of time where it's like you're porous to everything that flies past you? Like you just attract the bad ju ju? I had "the" work event this past weekend. It was brutal. I have been suffering with the same cluster headache for what just became 5 full weeks today. Nothing seems able to really help it very much. I've had minimal, if any relief from it. The weekend was no exception. By Saturday morning, I wanted someone to cut my head off with an ax... and they could've in the afternoon, as we attended a local ax throwing lounge for our social event. Honestly, it was a great choice - they had loads of fun. To be clear, it all went without much of a hitch. It wasn't without its own mayhem, but to anyone who didn't look behind the curtain, it went swimmingly. I've coined a metaphor: It's like a Big Mouth Jaw Breaker... you know, one o...