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UNCLE, ALREADY!!!! Okay ... where are the hidden cameras? No ... I'm not friggen around here, peeps! WHERE THA HELL ARE THEY? My girls have lice. I know that doesn't make any of us special. But this infestation that I am battling right now is the THIRD ONE!!!!!! Since December. I am starting to think these are teenage mutant ninja lice or something. I have been (actually quite literally) pulling my damned hair out. Not sure if any or all of y'all have dealt with the little darlings before, but if you have ever complained about being bored in your life - you'll regret that in a mad hurry after finding lice in your kids' heads. I am exhausted. I got up yesterday morning and started my first of what feels like 900 loads of laundry. I am on my second bottle of laundry detergent, if that tells you anything. Four beds. Every piece of outdoor clothing ... every towel ... brushes and combs and hair ties, bands, etc all bathed in alcohol. Their stufties a...