I Got New Kitties
Kijiji cats, as my close girlfriend calls my fur babies. For those of you who are unaware, Kijiji is a buy and sell site ... like Craigslist. My kitties are boyz. Bad. Kitty. Boyz. Moe My kitties open cupboard doors and jump from shelf to shelf in search of the bag of kitty treats. Once the shelf is located, one bumps the bag onto the floor - while the other waits below to whisk it away to the nearest un-peopled closet ... where they meet up and obliterate the bag. I kid you not. I am CONSTANTLY finding shredded (empty) treat bags all over my house. Diesel & Woody Baaad kitties. Deez ... yes, he knocked it down first They are my favorite kind. For anybody keeping count, I am up to four cats, a fish and a dog. Well ... I was. See, back when my mother moved from my house back into her in-law suite, her cat decided she'd really rather stay here. Suited her fancy better. Mom tried repeatedly to convince Tomato to come back ... ...