I Got a Case of the Crabbies...
I feel like my dial is set to 'Turbo-Bitch' this week. Don't get me wrong, I'm not acting out or anything... well not much, anyway. It's like wearing your birthday suit inside out. That's the best way I can think to describe it. All the tender little bits of me are exposed and raw. The outside world is like a shower of splinters in my eyes. EVERYTHING grates my nerves. My boss. My kids. Traffic. My spouse. Breathing. It all annoys the living shit outta me right now. There are things about which, I should be worried... don't get me wrong. Heating season looms. Our Trustees are displeased with us and all up in our jiggies at present. They want more money every month... we don't have it... the saga continues. I am holding my breath... The 'internal revenue' department has set its sights upon us for random 'fuck you' tactics. Unemployment filings from four years ago... GST over payments from three years ago...