
Showing posts from July, 2019

Colour Me Relieved

Been a while since I last posted.  It's been a rather busy time, what with my husband's niece, brother, sister-in-law and sister all landing at our place within a three week span. I'm quite tired, but I rescind my original objection to the company staying with us. All in all, it was a very positive experience.  My children made me proud. I suspect I made my husband proud. I was the 'hostess with the mostest' during their visits. My brother-in-law pulled me aside and told me I had "a beautiful home"... to which I started to make some self depricating comment... and he said: "I'm not talking about the wood! I'm talking about the home you have built... there is so much love here".  I could cry just typing that. My kids were amazing.  They stayed around and interacted with everyone. They were funny. They demonstrated their free-thinking opinions and spoke intelligently. They showed off their individual art...