
Showing posts from February, 2013

Updates All Around!!

I'm still alive! I have been waffling between hiding from reality ... reality being the miserly whore that has been this February (which incidentally for me began on December 27th) and being stupid busy beginning what I am banking on being my future - my business. On Thursday last week, I was officially signed on to the "SEB" program. This means I continue to receive a stipend from Employment Insurance while I get my 'concept' up and running. In order to be accepted, I had to jump through a number of hoops and fill out a great deal of paper work. I was also asked to write an autobiography. My counselor was a little apologetic asking this of me ... boy - does he ever NOT know me. That was the best thing he could have asked for where I am concerned. Honestly, I never really thought in my heart I wouldn't be accepted. I talk a good talk. I am as persuasive as hell when I want to be. Now all I have to do is put my money where my mouth is. Oh fuck! ...