My Cousin, Vinny ... well Angela, actually
My cousin came for a visit last night. We live in different provinces now (though ... less than a 3 hour drive apart - so I have no real excuse for this ... but) - I haven't seen her in eons. No, I don't know the exact definition of an eon. It has been a helluva long time, though. I really enjoy her company. She was my bud when we were growing up. More like a sister than a cousin - we even looked very much like we were sisters. She is 2 years my senior. I used to get to go to her school dances when I really had no business being at one due to my age ... nobody carded you at school dances, though. It was Divine. I was from a different city (...and it was an actual 'city') and the majority of the small town's kids were unduly impressed by my status. Plus, I was fresh meat ... and relatively cute to boot. Needless to say - they were golden times. I remember this one night, we got schnockered on vodka and kool-aid in her bedroom before going to one of these dances ... I...